Western New York’s Premier Ambulatory Surgery Center
A Guide to Surgery and Recovery
As a patient at the Amherst Surgery Center, you will find this information helpful for you and your family. It will explain the routine you will follow before, during and after your surgical procedure. The more you know about these procedures, the better you will be able to work with your health care team.
Pre-Anesthesia Testing
Pre-tests may include blood work, urinalysis, EKG and a chest x-ray.
- Your pre-testing should be done 10-21 days prior to your scheduled procedure. It is not necessary to discontinue any of your prescribed medication for this testing, unless instructed by your Physician.
- Pre-Op testing is an important part of the surgical process, and your results will be reviewed by your Physician, Pre-Op staff and the Anesthesiologist prior to your procedure.
- If you believe you may be pregnant, or are currently nursing, notify your Physician.
- Your Physician will arrange testing.
Other Helpful Information
- Although you may feel well enough to go home, you should plan to rest and limit your activities for 24 hours.
- You will not be allowed to leave the center without a responsible adult to accompany you home.
- A responsible adult should be with you for at least 24 hours after surgery.
- You should not operate a motor vehicle for at least 24 hours after surgery.
- Instructions from your Physician will be reviewed with you by the nurse and a copy will be sent home with you.
- Any prescriptions written by your Physician will be sent electronically to your pharmacy. They should be filled on your way home or soon thereafter.
Your surgery may be cancelled if….
- You eat or drink after midnight on the night before surgery (other than sips of water for necessary medications).
- You arrive late.
- You do not have a responsible adult accompanying you.
- You have not completed pre-surgical testing.
- Your physician deems there could be unnecessary risk due to the use of alcohol or recreational drugs.
From Midnight The Night Before Surgery
- Do not eat or drink anything after midnight.
- Please consult with your Physician regarding if you are to take any medications.
- If you are instructed to take medication, do so with just a sip of water.
The Day Of Surgery
Please come to the Center at your scheduled arrival time (usually one hour prior to your procedure).
- Do not wear make up or nail polish.
- All body piercings must be removed.
- Do not wear contact lenses.
- Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
- You should bathe or shower before arrival.
- If you use inhalers or a C-PAP machine, please bring these with you.
- Bring a list of all your medications, including dosage and times taken.
- Do not bring jewelry or valuables.
- Bring your insurance cards and photo ID.
- Be sure to bring a responsible adult.
- NO driving for 24 hours after surgery.
- You will be given a hospital gown to wear.
- Provisions will be made for your personal belongings.
- You may be asked to remove such things as insulin pump, dentures, glasses, hair pins, contact lenses, make-up and jewelry.
- An IV will be started.
- Vital signs will be taken and recorded (blood pressure, heart rate, etc).
- No metal in hair.
- Must have adult driver. (No rideshare service)
You can expect a call from one of our nurses 1-3 days before your procedure.
During Surgery
- Your physician and Anesthesiologist with your surgical team will be present with you throughout.
- Your family will be directed to wait in the surgery center waiting room. The area you first arrived.
Post Surgery
After surgery you will be transported to the recovery room. Your IV will be removed once you are able to drink fluids. You may be instructed in deep breathing and coughing exercises. You may feel some discomfort or pain, this is normal. You will be encouraged to move about and use the restroom. Your nurse will check you and your vital signs frequently. You may be encouraged to take some fluids and/or eat. Your physician will provide appropriate medications to make you comfortable.
You will go home when…
- You are able to drink fluid without nausea or vomiting.
- Your pain is manageable.
- Your Physician has given you permission to leave.
- Any prescriptions written by your physician will be sent electronically to your pharmacy. They should be filled on your way home or soon thereafter.
- Instructions from your physician will be reviewed with you by the nurse and a copy will be sent home with you.